New Student Pricing: 3 classes for $30

For the most successful experience, we encourage students to sign up for 3 classes min.

A la carte pricing for now below...

Class Fees
Regular Rate
In Need Rate
Drop in Rate
Pay for 3 or more
(2 month expiration)
10 Class Pass*
(4 month expiration)

* special pricing for those "in need or retired" 

Make Up Sessions
If it happens that you cannot attend a class in a session you’ve paid for, you can

1)  make it up by attending another class, (check with the teacher to be sure there is room in that class
2)  apply a credit of whatever you paid per class towards a massage/private yoga class (valid for one class per session)

Semi private classes are limited to 6, affording more attention to those who may need extra help. 

Click HERE for Couples Massage Pricing


Jennifer Sayre said…
I started attending yoga classes with Hiyala a little over a year ago. She is an amazing teacher that offers patient instruction to both beginners and accomplished yoga students. She is extremely knowledgeable, adjusting exercises to suit particular needs of each student. The classes offer a great blend of strength, balance and stretching while learning the importance of deep breathing and relaxation. I highly recommend Hiyala’s yoga classes as she is passionate about yoga and wants to share this passion and inspire her students! I leave the class each week feeling rejuvenated in both mind and body!

Jennifer Sayre
Shoreview, MN

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