Today, the international Breema conferance begins.  There is a Self Breema session everyday at 11 Minnesota time and I plan to participate in as many as I'm able to .  I have had Breema done to me  as bodywork, (it is wonderful!  )  and during covid I tuned into a few Self Breema zooms.. I went to the website at to find the schedule of zoom classes being offered and I found this  which I love: 

"What I see of myself in acceptence doesn't create a problem for me, because that which accepts is always a degree higher than that which is seen and accepted. That's why I don't need to try to fix what I see. This is the art of coming to live in harmony with myself, and eventually, with my surroundings, and with all life. I see that I'm always reacting to life, not knowing what to do, and often doing things for the wrong reasons. I see all of that, but at the same time, I have a little smile on my face, because I see it as a comedy, rather than a drama. I become grateful to the fact I see. I wish to always see. Not to see and analyze. To see and accept."

From Freedom Comes From Understanding. Insights for Meaningful Life.


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