Fall update


Things are constantly changing.  Right now, we are wearing masks as we enter the church and as we leave. Our space is very large so we can be spread out far. Therefore, most people are removing masks as we do our practice.  Tues am class has about 7 people and tues pm has 5. I am thinking that perhaps at some point we will have to do the outdoor thing. We have at least a month or 2 where we could do outside exercise. We would begin with a brisk walk, then sun salutes or a variation of that.  I know of a field closeby Dunn bros near 96 and hodgeson. Turtle lake park is an option but sometimes too windy. So, if being outside is appealing to you, let me know. I am guessing that Zoom yoga is probably on the docket again for the winter. We did that last winter and it went quite well. Starting Novembe perhaps?
Stay well and safe!


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