No yoga tues Aug 31

 No am or pm yoga that day. We will, however have yoga on Sept 7, the day after Labor Day. Please let me know if you plan to attend that day. We will continue with our "yin like" practice  thru the month of September. I say "yin like" because there is a practice called "yin yoga" and I have not been trained as a teacher for it, however I am certainly qualified to teach a slow moving, meditative style of yoga where we hold the poses for a long time. And , especially in the time of year when it is hot and we are  over scheduled, this is a good way to balance the fire dosha which is In abundance in our bodies. Stress also increases inflamation in our bodies and a lot of people feel stress about the world right now. Stay cool. Eat cucumbers and lots of melon. Chin up!



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